
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Most Powerful Quotes That Will Motivate You to Work

"after every sunset , there is a sunrise"

1.Believe you can and work hard honestly , you will find yourself at your destination.

2.Start where you are , use what you have and do what you can.

3.Good things come to people who wait ,but best things come to those who go out and get them.

4.Harder you work , the more luck you will get.

5.Strive for progress , not for perfection.

6.Success is the sum of small efforts , repeated day in and day out.

7.Secret of getting ahead is getting started.

8.You don't have to be great to start , but you have to start to be great.

9.Its not about how bad you want it . Its about how hard you are willing to work for it

10. Please , don't say that you don't have enough time , you have same time available as it was available to Sachin Tendulkar, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and Dhirubhai Ambani.

11. The pain you feel today is the strength you will get tomorrow, for every problem in your life there is an opportunity for success and growth.

12.You are one of the most powerful person born on this planet  , please never underestimate your power.

13.You Can Convert your failure to success just by giving your best in every opportunity.

14.Remember , failure is the opportunity to start again with more enthusiasm.

15.Don't take your success in your head , always stay on ground , even if you touch the sky.

16.If your days are really worst please keep going .
17.Failure is the only one thing which can make you most stronger person.

18.Life has two rules : 1)Never quit 2)Always remember Rule #1.

19.Challenges makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes it meaningful.

20.If it is important to you , you will find a way . If not , then you will find an excuse.

21.The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. So,please stand up and start working for success.

22.You will get everything according to work which you have done.

23.The Difference in between ordinary and extraordinary is that little "extra."

24.There is no substitute for hard work.

25.Please motivate and push yourself , because no one else is going to do it for you.

26.Some people see dreams when they sleep and some people complete those dreams by working 20 hours per day.

27.There is no shortcut for success, your success depend on yourself.

28.The expert in everything was once a beginner.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

CAB और NRC की जानकारी हिंदी में -(CAB and NRC information in Hindi)

NRC- National Register of Citizens

CAB-Citizenship Amendment Bill

नागरिकता कानून के विरुद्ध भारत  देश के कई राज्यों में विरोध प्रदर्शन हो रहे हैं.प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने संशोधित नागरिकता कानून (सीएए) के विरुद्ध देश भर में हो रहे हिंसक प्रदर्शनों को दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण और बेहद निराशाजनक करार दिया.

संसद से नागरिकता संशोधन विधेयक (CAB) को 11 दिसंबर 2019 को मंजूरी मिल गई थी. इस विधेयक के पक्ष में 125 मत पड़े जबकि 105 सदस्यों ने इसके खिलाफ मतदान किया था. राष्ट्रपति ने इस विधेयक को 12 दिसंबर को मंजूरी दे दी थी. राष्ट्रपति की मंजूरी मिलते ही यह विधेयक नागरिकता संशोधन विधेयक कानून बन गया है.

नागरिकता कानून के विरुद्ध देश के कई राज्यों में विरोध प्रदर्शन हो रहे हैं. इस विरोध प्रदर्शन की शुरुआत पूर्वोत्तर भारत के आसाम से हुई. इसके बाद अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी, दिल्ली की जामिया यूनिवर्सिटी में भी बहुत ही जबरदस्त प्रदर्शन हुए. हिंसक झड़पों के बाद, दिल्ली पुलिस ने हिंसा में शामिल होने के लिए कथित तौर पर जामिया के 100 से अधिक छात्रों को हिरासत में लिया.

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने संशोधित नागरिकता कानून (सीएए) के विरुद्ध देश भर में हो रहे हिंसक प्रदर्शनों को दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण और बेहद निराशाजनक करार दिया. प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा कि नागरिकता कानून से किसी भी भारतीय को नुकसान नहीं होगा. तो आइए समझते हैं कि CAB और NRC क्या है, दोनों में क्या अंतर है और इस मुद्दे पर देश में उबाल क्यों है?

नागरिकता संशोधन विधेयक (CAB) क्या है?

यह विधेयक नागरिकता अधिनियम 1955 में बदलाव करेगा. इस विधेयक के तहत बांग्लादेश, पाकिस्तान, अफगानिस्तान समेत आस-पास के देशों से भारत में आने वाले हिंदू, सिख, बौद्ध, जैन, पारसी धर्म वाले लोगों को नागरिकता दी जाएगी. नागरिकता संशोधन विधेयक (CAB) संसद में पास होने और राष्ट्रपति की महुर लगने के बाद नागरिक संशोधन कानून (CAA) बन गया है.

नागरिकता संशोधन बिल में छह गैर-मुस्लिम समुदायों- हिंदू, सिख, ईसाई, जैन, बौद्ध और पारसी धर्म से संबंधित अल्पसंख्यक शामिल हैं. इस विधेयक के तहत 31 दिसंबर 2014 तक धर्म के आधार पर प्रताड़ना के चलते पाकिस्तान, बांग्लादेश और अफगानिस्तान से आए धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यक के लोगों को भारतीय नागरिकता दी जाएगी.

पिछला नागरिकता मानदंड क्या थे?

भारतीय नागरिकता लेने के लिए भारत में 11 साल रहना अनिवार्य था. नए विधेयक के तहत पड़ोसी देशों के अल्पसंख्यक यदि पांच साल से भी भारत में रहे हों तो उन्हें भारतीय नागरिकता दी जा सकती है.

एनआरसी (NRC) क्या है?

एनआरसी (NRC) आसाम में अधिवासित सभी नागरिकों की एक सूची है. वर्तमान में राज्य के भीतर वास्तविक नागरिकों को बनाए रखने और बांग्लादेश से अवैध रूप से प्रवासियों को बाहर निकालने हेतु अद्यतन किया जा रहा है. यह पहली बार साल 1951 में तैयार किया गया था.

एनआरसी प्रक्रिया हाल ही में आसाम में पूरी हुई. हालांकि, केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह ने नवंबर 2019 में संसद में घोषणा की कि एनआरसी पूरे भारत में लागू किया जाएगा.

NRC के तहत पात्रता मानदंड क्या है?

राष्ट्रीय नागरिकता रजिस्टर (एनआरसी) की वर्तमान सूची में शामिल होने के लिए व्यक्ति के परिजनों का नाम साल 1951 में बने पहले नागरिकता रजिस्टर में होना चाहिए या फिर 24 मार्च 1971 तक की चुनाव सूची में होना चाहिए.

दस्तावेजों में: इसके लिए अन्य दस्तावेजों में जन्म प्रमाणपत्र, शरणार्थी पंजीकरण प्रमाणपत्र, भूमि और किरायेदारी के रिकॉर्ड, नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र, स्थायी आवास प्रमाणपत्र, पासपोर्ट, एलआईसी पॉलिसी, सरकार द्वारा जारी लाइसेंस या प्रमाणपत्र, बैंक या पोस्ट ऑफिस खाता, सरकारी नौकरी का प्रमाण पत्र, शैक्षिक प्रमाण पत्र एवं अदालती रिकॉर्ड होना चाहिए.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Motivation of the day

Discovering the Depths of Daily Inspiration: The Essence of Purposeful Living :

Motivation is the elixir that fuels our journey through life. Every day, we strive to find that spark, that flicker of inspiration that propels us forward. It's not merely a fleeting feeling; it's a state of mind, a constant quest for meaning that transcends the ordinary.

At times, motivation seems elusive, hiding behind the haze of daily routines, responsibilities, and challenges. However, it's often found in the simplest of moments, in the quiet reflection of our goals and aspirations.

Consider this: each day is a canvas waiting for the brushstrokes of our intentions. What we paint upon it is determined by our motivations, our desires, and our dedication. The depth of our motivation shapes the colors and contours of our lives.

Motivation isn't solely about achieving grand ambitions; it's about cherishing the small victories along the way. It's the joy found in the progress we make, no matter how incremental. Sometimes, the most profound motivation arises from the simplest achievements, reminding us of our capability and potential.

Life's journey is filled with peaks and valleys, but it's the fire of motivation that keeps us moving, navigating the lows and reveling in the highs. It's the unwavering belief in our dreams that sustains us through adversity and propels us towards success.

In the pursuit of our goals, setbacks may arise, challenges may seem insurmountable, but it's precisely in these moments that our motivation is tested. It's during these times that we must draw from the wellspring of our determination, reminding ourselves why we started this journey in the first place.

Moreover, motivation is contagious. Sharing our drive, passion, and inspiration can ignite the flames within others. It's in the collective encouragement and support that we find strength to persevere.

Remember, motivation isn't solely about external validations or rewards; it's about the internal satisfaction derived from living a purposeful life. It's about waking up every morning with a sense of excitement, eager to embrace the day's challenges and opportunities.

Today, let your motivation be the guiding force that propels you towards your aspirations. Embrace each moment, find inspiration in the ordinary, and let the pursuit of your dreams be the fuel that drives you forward.

In the end, it's not just about the destination; it's about the journey, enriched and enlivened by the unwavering motivation that resides within you.

Monday, November 18, 2019

important corporate rules to follow

1.Don't judge people by their look , sometimes most knowledgeable people are there with an average look.

Corporate Rules and Regulation

2.No Love In Office :

avoid love affairs at corporate place, and if it is there , please hide it from other people 😅 just for job security and to avoid politics. Most of the companies don't allow, husband and wife working in same company.

3.Try to learn from everyone, everyone have some skills so try to learn from all other people.

4.Stop giving too much attention to , how people treat you ,better to be practical and make yourself busy in your work.

5.Don't compare yourself with other people , always keep improving yourself.

6.Never stop learning. 

7.Be Punctual both in - arriving and leaving.

8.Don't mix personal life and corporate life , both are important at their places,try to manage both effectively. 

9.Trust on people , but don't be fool to share every weakness with other people.

10.Try to make good corporate relation with everyone.

11.Always try to give your best performance. 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How to overcome failures ?

Many of us face failures in Life , we get frustrated and we always expect something best to happen in our life.Failures in Interview's ,Exam,Job are most common thing happen with everyone.So,remember one thing that, you are not the only one person who is facing failures and problems in Life.

"Life without failures and challenges is not Life"

Try to understand yourself , ask yourself some simple questions:

why i got this life ?

what is the purpose of my life?

where i want to see myself in upcoming years?

what is that one thing, which i want to do in my life?

and once you get some proper answer's then try to analyse your purpose ,Failure is not a problem but working in wrong direction can create bigger problems for you in future.So,firstly invest some time to identify your correct direction in life.

Once you start walking in right direction you will definitely face many failures and challenges , which are needed to be expert ..

Remember one thing ,

Both winner's and looser's will face failures , but winner will not stop even after getting failed many times and looser will quit in few attempts....

So , most important Mantra to face failure is :

Never stop if you are working in a right direction.

people who stop and run away from situations are looser's and you will see many looser's around you..

How to face failures ?

see , if you got failure , it means you are lacking somewhere,so please don't be upset , just keep working on yourself and try to be expert in your area,keep learning , keep changing yourself .
Work hard to become better version of yourself this is the only way to overcome failures ,once you become expert in particular area or particular subject then there is no chance of failures.

Failure will come , if you are not expert and you are not confident about subject or work which you are doing .

always follow 3 rules :

Learn ,Learn and Learn.

Learn to be perfect , so that no one will stand in front of you ...

Ask yourself , 

why i got the failure , what is the reason behind this ?

and trust me , 99% times you will get only one answer , that you are the only one who is responsible for your failure , you got the failure because still you are not expert in the subject or area...

So, what is the solution ??

answer is , expertization and knowledge.

Learn Learn and Learn
Practice ,Practice and Practice, until and unless you become master in it...

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Career In Software Development

Career In Software Development 

Hi everyone, today we are going to understand some information about career in Software Development:

1.What to Learn ?

Programming language according to interest

Java,C,C++,ASP.Net or you can go for booming Python as well.

UI Technologies:

HTML5,CSS,JS,JQuery and many more , learn as per your interest and requirement.

Database Technologies
Oracle, mysql, maria db etc. any one , at least basic understanding should be there.

2.How To Learn?

firstly ,do some research and decide which programming language you want to learn ,then search for a trainer or resource to learn.actually in Hindi there are some lines :

                           गुरुर ब्रह्मा गुरुर विष्णु गुरुर देवो महेश्वरः
                           गुरुः साक्षात्परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः

Guru is the most important person in our life , without guru its difficult to reach at the top, so if you want to be a great Software Developer ,firstly you must choose a guru , who can teach you in a better way , without guru, its not easy.

Guru can be anyone , any good resource or best trainer ,if you are able to learn from a trainer, who is expert then you can learn from him, in case if you don't have time for training then you have to learn on your own with the help of online videos , but it will take too much time to learn on your own , so if possible , better to learn from a trainer.

3.What Software Engineer Do ?

coding only else nothing ,please try to understand programming concepts properly and then start doing coding . if you don't like coding, then don't choose software engineering as a profession , because we have to do lot of code , so better if you make yourself ready to code.

4.How much Salary Software Engineers Get ?

Actually, salary is quite good for hard working people  , people who always learn new technologies can earn in lac's.
Software Engineers always get paid according to their skills. So, completely it depends on you , if you learn new technologies and work hard then you can make awesome money in jobs as well.some people with 2-3 years of experience in India are earning 15-20 lac's per year just because of their skills else nothing .So,don't think about salary, just work hard and learn new technologies.

5.Which people are required in Software Industry?

Software Industry needs people who are ready to learn new things who are innovative and who can change themselves as per industry requirement . Remember one thing ,Industry will not work according to you , you have to always upgrade your skills as per requirement .Industry will always go for new technologies and if you are not learning and making yourself expert then it will become more difficult for you to survive in software industry.

skillful people,with desire to learn new things are always welcome

So, if you are thinking to be a software engineer, just start working on yourself , because we need experts or those who are ready to be experts..

Monday, November 4, 2019

Love - No Comments - Just Feel

ha ha....sorry, but i can't avoid to write on this most amazing thing called love(actually , girlfriend wala love). Today , some of my best buddies shared love status for their ,so called TRUE LOVE ... which forced me to write something on this topic .....actually , this (gf wala love) is the most unknown chapter in my Life ..

But , Still We all know the Power of Love , Am I Right ? 
This is the universal truth that, LOVE can make you most successful  , if you take it very positively....and it can make you beggar in a night if you take it negatively ...

"Let the love bring out , most successful greatest personality inside you..."

fall in Love ...
always think about her happiness....
work hard to make her happy ...
work hard to give her every happiness in the world ...

Don't take it wrongly , i am not connecting love with materialistic things....But,what i want to say is that, if you really love someone then try your best to give her each and every happiness in the world ...There is nothing wrong in this...(ask yourself is it wrong to give Lamborghini car as a gift to your wife ,on her birthday....)

"power of love is inspiring and never ending".

There are no Limitations for love ....

Love is not limited ,only for girlfriend or boyfriend...
I think in our life ,our first LOVE should be mom and dad ...

On your first salary, 
taking your mom-dad for a dinner ,or taking them to world tour or giving them awesome gifts are the best ways to express Love for them, please ,let your parents realize that , you love them from the bottom of heart ... who said to give awesome gifts to girlfriend only,  sometime gift something to mom-dad,brother/sister, just express your love for them and see the happiness...

nowadays , i started treating my mom-dad just like my kids ...
call them bacchu ,mummytaloo, dadoooo , and see their happiness , this is most expensive thing to make them happy , someone said truly ,as long as people's age increases they behave like kids ,i experienced and found this true ...Remember, as long as your age increases , your mom-dad's age decreases , they are not going to stay with you for whole life..So,love them,and express your love for them...

Having crush on someone is secondary thing , i think we must learn to love people who are with us in every good and bad time...share love as long as possible , love all the people who are closer to you , or who came in your life as friends,guru's,relatives....

Love is the most powerful thing in the world , it is more powerful than anger ,in anger we fight with people ,But , in love people get connected easily , i realized this thing very late ....But, i think there is nothing called LATE, if we take it positively,you can start loving people around you even at the age of 50 ....

Life is short and Love is the only one thing which can bring happiness in life ...

So, fall in Love , 
start loving your mom-dad,brother,sister...
Don't waste life , wake up its never too late to express your love .....

Love Mother Earth , Love your country , Love yourself , Love your family ,Love Animals.....

its time to believe in giving without expectations ..... 

finally , i just want to say , Please fall in Love...

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Convert Failure To Success

"Never stop dreaming,and never stop working for your dreams ". obstacles will come for sure, you will definitely get failures,without failures there is no life.Failures are needed , without failures we can't improve or identify our-self.

If you got failure, it means that,

There is a need to do more efforts,

There is a need to work on yourself ,

There is a need to change yourself....

Every most successful person was not successful always, check history, all the greatest people were failures in past.They failed many times .But ,why they are great today, because they never stopped working ,they worked harder and harder , they improved themselves ,and now they are experts in their fields and most successful in their life.

I am not telling you something imaginary , just open your eyes and look at people around you ,you will see many examples like :

Sir Amitabh Bacchan,Mr.Shahrukh Khan,Ambani Family,Mr.Ratan Tata,Motivational Speaker Mr.Sandeep Maheshwari etc.

 There are many people who changed their life ,

There are many people who converted their failure into success.

 then, why you can't do it??

 I am sure,

 You Can Do It ? 

actually , there is no need to tell , it is already proved that people who work hard and who always work on themselves, can get success easily....

just tell your brain,to work more , to struggle more , to study more ,to practice more and more until and unless you become expert and non-stoppable ....

please ,never stop after any kind of failure ,

Failures are there ,to make you more expert , and more Knowledgeable ....

Never be the same person as you were yesterday , always change yourself in a better way ....

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Can Smoking Really Kill You??

Say No to Smoking if you Love your Family

If you are a smoker , please don't give your heart to anyone.Because,smokers heart , is a Stressed Heart... 😤  Do you know ,smoking raises your blood pressure and put lot of stress on your heart.Over time ,stress on heart can weaken it, and make it less able to pump blood to other parts of your body.There are chances of Heart attack in young age and other Heart diseases.Not only chances , there is guarantee to decrease in Life span.If you want to die earlier keep smoking daily.

Smoking make our blood sticky and thick, your heart struggle a lot to send it to other parts of your body,it can form blood clots that block flow of blood to your brain,heart and legs.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is the biggest cause of illness and killing more than 500000 Americans per year.

It doesn't take much smoking to kill you ...

Even extremely light smoking-as little as one cigarette a day - can greatly increase chances of dying earlier.

But How Smoking Cause Death?
Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer.Smoking can cause diseases such as pneumonia,emphysema and lung cancer.

Nicotine addiction is hard to stop because it changes your brain,Nicotine from cigarettes is addictive as heroin,one cigarette per day is enough to send you to hell away from your mom,dad,wife,kids.So, if you love your family ,stop smoking from this moment.

Every single puff of a cigarette causes damages to your DNA.
Sooner you quit ,lower the risks,as said by doctors...

Here are some more disadvantages of smoking : -->

1>death as soon as possible .
2>Bad Breath and Stained teeth
3>Decreased immune system function
4>Smoking causes high blood pressure,lowers your ability to exercise
5>Respiratory illness
6>reduced physical fitness.

you decide you want to die earlier , or you want to live a happy life with your family....

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Best Time To Drink Water??


Yes you read it correct , drink one-two glass water in morning when you wake up.It will boost your alertness and low energy level, remember one thing , water can stimulate faster growth of red blood cells in your system and generates more oxygen in your blood.Remember , if you don't stay hydrated , your physical performance can suffer. So , always drink a glass of water in early morning instead of coffee or tea.


it will recharge your body, my personal suggestion whenever you are sick , drink water to recover energy ,because,in fever water and electrolytes get drawn of your body as sweat.If you are vomiting then water loss is greater, to hydrate body for proper function, drink water in sickness.But,remember not to drink too much water as well ,drink as per the need of your body.provide your body what it needs to heal and combat your illness.Focus on maintaining your normal fluid intake and replacing what's been lost,But don't do over and don't drink multiple gallons of anything.


Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion and drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.


A glass of warm water before bath can help lower blood pressure levels in your body.


If you do not drink enough water , you will dehydrate.Dehydration can lead to a decrease in physical activity performance and may adversely affect your health. Remember,it is important to drink water before, during and after exercise.

Why you should NEVER drink water standing up

Never Drink Water In Standing Position

Water is a Life for us , without water we can't survive. But ,do you know ,if you don't drink water in a proper way it can be most harmful for you.

But,Why and How water can become harmful for us ??

what are the reasons for it, Let's understand in details , if you like the contents which are shared here , then please don't forget to share the link of our blog with your friends.contents which are shared here are the experiences of some people , there is no need of proof for this because ,some of them are experienced by me as well.

Disadvantages of drinking water in standing position :

1.Arthritis : Arthritis is a disease which causes pain in joints , if too much water is taken in standing position ,it disturbs the balance of other body fluids.It affects the joint region and causes deficiency of required fluids in joints which is the main reason for Arthritis.Drinking water in standing position will not allow your body to absorb all the Nutrients in water.

2.Stomach Damage: Normally , when we stand and drink water continuously in faster speed ,our nerves and body get tensed , and in that situation , if we drink water  , water goes in faster speed in our body which can damage our stomach, i experienced this thing once in a life.According to Ayurveda , our bodies are designed in such a way so that we get maximum benefits when we sit down and perform activities like eating and drinking.Long term practice of drinking water in Standing position can disturb your digestion system.

3.Kidney Damage :When we stand and drink water , it will not allow our kidney's to filter it properly and this may cause impurities to stuck in the kidney,bladder.which can cause serious health problems in future.

4.It will not satisfy your thirst properly : Just , try 2 experiments :drink a full glass water in standing position and then next time when you feel thirsty again,  then sit at one place , be relax and then drink water small sips, one by one, you will identify that when you sit and drink , water reach to all the places in slow speed and it satisfy our thirst completely. When you stand while drinking then you will continuously feel thirsty.

5.Indigestion: If you drink or eat in standing position then your digestion system will not be able to digest it properly and you will face the problem of indigestion.

The idea that drinking water while standing is harmful is often rooted in traditional beliefs or cultural practices, but from a medical perspective, there isn’t strong scientific evidence to support this as harmful. 

However, there are some theories suggesting that drinking water while sitting might be more beneficial for digestion. When you drink water while standing, it's believed that the water moves through your system more quickly and might not be absorbed as effectively as when you're sitting down. Some also argue that sitting allows your body to better gauge thirst and the amount of water it needs.

Additionally, people with certain health conditions like acid reflux might find that sitting down while drinking water helps to minimize symptoms. It might also prevent any water from entering the windpipe accidentally, which can sometimes happen when drinking while standing, causing momentary choking or coughing.

However, these theories are not universally accepted, and for most people, drinking water while standing isn't considered harmful. The most crucial aspect is staying hydrated, regardless of whether you're standing or sitting while drinking water. Listening to your body and ensuring you consume an adequate amount of water throughout the day is more important than the specific posture while drinking it.

Finally , Please ,please , drink water in a proper way and in relax sitting position.Water , if not consumed properly , can be very bad for you, and it puts your body in danger , which can cause serious health problems.Water has some nutrients which are distributed in our body by several organs before entering to the stomach.There are some filters too which filters the impurities of water before it does mix in blood or enter to the bladder. All these filters get contracted when you are in a standing position and relaxes properly in a sitting position.Therefore when you drink water in standing position , it goes directly to stomach in a force,as a result it can cause some serious diseases like Arthritis,Stomach pain,Kidney damage,indigestion etc. as i explained before.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Find The Real Purpose in Life?

According to me, In simple way, Life's goal is everything you want to do before your death.. it's not complicated thing, it's easy. Today , we will discuss on it:

Even after reading title ,If still you are reading this article, it means that still you are searching for the real purpose in your life. Trust me, 99% people think that they don't know the real purpose of their life. But, In reality Finding real purpose is not very difficult task as we think, Everything is clear in front of you, But, your mind is not identifying that easy one and running to identify something complicated.

Purpose of our life is not very complicated .it's easy, just open your eyes and think in a right direction. 

Ask yourself few questions :

1.What is that one thing which make
 me happy? 

2.What is that one thing which I can do 24 hrs without food and sleep? 

3.Where I want to see myself in next 10 years? 

4.What I want to do before my death? 

There are many other questions which you can ask to yourself, make a list of  all questions and answers related to your dreams.Sorry, Nobody will help you in this... 😅 please take a pen, paper and go back in past and think about your all goals and write them on a paper. 

After writing give some time to your mind to identify the real you.
All of us have some purpose in life, which we have to find. 

Don't think too much complicated things, give yourself some time. Your real purpose is somewhere hidden in your mind.simply tell your mind to run in that direction, you will find answers of all the questions.... 

Once you get answers then Don't think too much , take action and try to implement all those things about which your mind told you as your real purpose. 
Mistake will happen for sure, learn from it, don't stop after one mistake, just correct it and be ready for next mistake. 
Your Purpose, Your dreams are always there with you, but you are ignoring them for some other complicated thing. 

Don't put limitations on your mind :
Multiple things can be in your dream list, so, don't be confused, go for all.But,one after another, and try to be expert. 

Last but not least, please don't connect your real dream with money, money will give you temporary happiness, But, doing favorite work will give you lifetime happiness.. 

So, wake up 😴⏰ , don't allow your mind to sleep.. Because, your real purpose is waiting for you to take action... 

It's never too late...
You can start journey to find yourself in any age, at any time....

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Inspirational Quotes 2019

Here we are giving some inspirational sentences for you :

1.Knowledge is the power, knowledge is the wealth  how faster you learn, faster you can earn...

2.Keep Patience, Work Harder than before.... Hope for the best and keep will not fail until and unless you stop working... So, don't stop, keep running to identify the real you....

3.Work hard ... Do good karma.... Don't expect from other people ,expect from yourself....'s really powerful , even if bad thing happen with you,don't worry...... Your good karma will convert your sadness to happiness .... Wait and watch, be honest to yourself,work hard......

5.Alone you can achieve your good karma....good people will connect with you automatically.... Say good bye to selfish once....

6.Your Karma will decide your destiny.

7.If you are working hard in a proper direction , don't worry about tomorrow.

8.Focus on Yourself,don't focus on people around you.

9.You are the only one who is responsible for your success.

10.Good karma will support you even if you are alone.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why We Are Not Getting Great Success In Life???

Success, the most potent term in the universe, holds unparalleled significance. Is this assertion accurate?

However, it's crucial to bear in mind that achieving success necessitates confronting failures. Every individual who has attained significant success has encountered setbacks along the way.

Success is not an instantaneous occurrence; rather, it is a continuous journey. Consider the life paths of figures such as actor Shahrukh Khan and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. Their journeys were far from easy, marked by significant challenges. Nevertheless, they persisted, learning from failures, and today, they stand at the pinnacle of their respective fields.

It's essential to recognize that nothing worthwhile comes easily in this world. Diligent effort, self-improvement, and skill enhancement are prerequisites. Although the process may take time, consistent practice and self-refinement are the keys to eventual success.

Many individuals exert considerable effort, enhance their skills, yet find themselves falling short of achieving significant success. The reason often lies in misguided efforts. Failure to invest time in discovering one's true passion or authentic goals can result in a misalignment between personal aspirations and professional pursuits.

Consider the scenario of an individual proficient in dance who opts to become an engineer and work for a private company. While success may still be attainable, the crux of the matter is that the individual's interest lies in dance, not engineering. Picturing a scenario where the person works in their preferred field or domain highlights the potential for unparalleled fulfillment.

Therefore, it is imperative to work for one's passion and authentic goals. Identify that one pursuit that defines your life; you only have one life, and it will not come again. In this singular existence, the mistake made by 90% of individuals should be avoided.

Rather than chasing monetary gains, take a moment to reflect. Ponder your genuine passion and commence dedicated work toward it. Many find themselves working in fields misaligned with their interests—an error that should be avoided at all costs.

Discovering the real purpose of life, the goal that keeps you awake at night, the aspiration that continually excites you, is paramount. Believe in yourself and pose essential questions:

- Why have I been given this life?
- Where do I envision myself?
- What do I want to do?
- What do I love to do?
- Am I pursuing what I love?

By working in your area of interest, success is not a distant dream but an inevitable outcome. There is no secret formula for success—simply find your passion and strive to become an expert in it.

### Unraveling the Enigma of Success: The Critical Role of Passion

#### The Pursuit of Passion over Monetary Gain

In a world often driven by the pursuit of financial success, it becomes imperative to pause and reflect on the true essence of one's passions. Rather than blindly chasing monetary gains, individuals are urged to contemplate their genuine interests and aspirations.

#### Steering Clear of Common Pitfalls

A prevalent mistake among individuals striving for success is working in fields that do not align with their true interests. It's crucial to avoid this common pitfall, recognizing that the real purpose of life lies in engaging with pursuits that genuinely resonate with personal passions.

#### The Quest for Purpose and Fulfillment

Finding the authentic purpose of life is not a trivial matter. It involves discovering goals that evoke a sense of excitement and fulfillment, goals that transcend mere professional pursuits and extend to the very core of one's being.

### Nurturing Self-Belief and Reflection: Key to Personal Growth

#### The Power of Self-Belief

Believing in oneself is foundational to any journey toward success. Embracing self-confidence provides the inner strength needed to navigate challenges and persevere in the face of setbacks.

#### Essential Self-Reflection Questions

Asking fundamental questions about the purpose of one's life, envisioning future aspirations, and evaluating personal preferences are crucial steps in aligning professional endeavors with genuine passions. Regular self-reflection serves as a compass guiding individuals toward their authentic goals.

### Embracing the Journey: Success Through Expertise

#### Transitioning from Interest to Expertise

The transition from mere interest to expertise in one's chosen field is pivotal. Success is not a mere byproduct but a direct outcome of dedicating oneself to becoming an expert in the area that genuinely resonates with individual passions.

#### The Absence of a Secret Formula

Contrary to common misconceptions, there is no secret formula for success. Instead, success is intricately linked to finding one's passion and committing to mastery in that particular realm.

In conclusion, success is not an elusive dream but a tangible reality for those who choose to prioritize passion over monetary gain, avoid common pitfalls, nurture self-belief, engage in purposeful self-reflection, and dedicate themselves to becoming experts in their chosen fields. By embracing these principles, the journey toward unparalleled success becomes not only achievable but also deeply fulfilling.