
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Why you should NEVER drink water standing up

Never Drink Water In Standing Position

Water is a Life for us , without water we can't survive. But ,do you know ,if you don't drink water in a proper way it can be most harmful for you.

But,Why and How water can become harmful for us ??

what are the reasons for it, Let's understand in details , if you like the contents which are shared here , then please don't forget to share the link of our blog with your friends.contents which are shared here are the experiences of some people , there is no need of proof for this because ,some of them are experienced by me as well.

Disadvantages of drinking water in standing position :

1.Arthritis : Arthritis is a disease which causes pain in joints , if too much water is taken in standing position ,it disturbs the balance of other body fluids.It affects the joint region and causes deficiency of required fluids in joints which is the main reason for Arthritis.Drinking water in standing position will not allow your body to absorb all the Nutrients in water.

2.Stomach Damage: Normally , when we stand and drink water continuously in faster speed ,our nerves and body get tensed , and in that situation , if we drink water  , water goes in faster speed in our body which can damage our stomach, i experienced this thing once in a life.According to Ayurveda , our bodies are designed in such a way so that we get maximum benefits when we sit down and perform activities like eating and drinking.Long term practice of drinking water in Standing position can disturb your digestion system.

3.Kidney Damage :When we stand and drink water , it will not allow our kidney's to filter it properly and this may cause impurities to stuck in the kidney,bladder.which can cause serious health problems in future.

4.It will not satisfy your thirst properly : Just , try 2 experiments :drink a full glass water in standing position and then next time when you feel thirsty again,  then sit at one place , be relax and then drink water small sips, one by one, you will identify that when you sit and drink , water reach to all the places in slow speed and it satisfy our thirst completely. When you stand while drinking then you will continuously feel thirsty.

5.Indigestion: If you drink or eat in standing position then your digestion system will not be able to digest it properly and you will face the problem of indigestion.

The idea that drinking water while standing is harmful is often rooted in traditional beliefs or cultural practices, but from a medical perspective, there isn’t strong scientific evidence to support this as harmful. 

However, there are some theories suggesting that drinking water while sitting might be more beneficial for digestion. When you drink water while standing, it's believed that the water moves through your system more quickly and might not be absorbed as effectively as when you're sitting down. Some also argue that sitting allows your body to better gauge thirst and the amount of water it needs.

Additionally, people with certain health conditions like acid reflux might find that sitting down while drinking water helps to minimize symptoms. It might also prevent any water from entering the windpipe accidentally, which can sometimes happen when drinking while standing, causing momentary choking or coughing.

However, these theories are not universally accepted, and for most people, drinking water while standing isn't considered harmful. The most crucial aspect is staying hydrated, regardless of whether you're standing or sitting while drinking water. Listening to your body and ensuring you consume an adequate amount of water throughout the day is more important than the specific posture while drinking it.

Finally , Please ,please , drink water in a proper way and in relax sitting position.Water , if not consumed properly , can be very bad for you, and it puts your body in danger , which can cause serious health problems.Water has some nutrients which are distributed in our body by several organs before entering to the stomach.There are some filters too which filters the impurities of water before it does mix in blood or enter to the bladder. All these filters get contracted when you are in a standing position and relaxes properly in a sitting position.Therefore when you drink water in standing position , it goes directly to stomach in a force,as a result it can cause some serious diseases like Arthritis,Stomach pain,Kidney damage,indigestion etc. as i explained before.

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